Nickel Welding Consumables

Welding Fillers / Core Wire / Thermal Spray Wire

Deutsche Nickel GmbH manufactures spooled filler metal wires (GTAW, GMAW) and rods (GTAW) for welding applications, as well as core wires for the production of stick electrodes as used in a broad range of welding applications.

In plant engineering and vessel fabrication the Nickel alloys of the Chronin series (CrNi) are used for welding and cladding of corrosion and high temperature resistant materials. IGS-Chronin 625 is applied as cladding in thermal waste treatment and in the petrochemical industry due to its good weld performance and excellent corrosion resistance, even at high temperatures.
A broad range of nickel alloys is available, fulfilling all the requirements of different base materials and welding wire properties.

The Dilaton alloys (FeNi/NiFe) feature low coefficients of thermal expansion. In the aircraft industry IGS-Dilaton 36Nb (with its optimized chemical composition) is used in the fabrication of special FeNi36 tooling for the manufacture of aircraft components from composite materials, to prevent distortion during autoclave treatment.

Cu-Ni alloys such as IGS-CuNi30Fe (ERCuNi) are extremely resistant to sea water corrosion. They are used in the fabrication of heat exchangers in desalination plants, as well as for the welding of sea-water piping and valves used in maritime environments.

Alloy DN Trade Name Material No. AWS Specifications DIN Specifications
FM 718 IGS-Chronin 718 (2.4667) AWS A5.14 / ERNiFeCr-2 DIN EN ISO 18274 / S Ni 7718
FM 82 IGS-Chronin 82 (2.4806) AWS A5.14 / ERNiCr-3 DIN EN ISO 18274 / S Ni 6082
FM 22 IGS-Chronin 22 (2.4635) AWS A5.14 / ERNiCrMo-10 DIN EN ISO 18274 / S Ni 6022
FM 59 IGS-Chronin 59 (2.4607) AWS A5.14 / ERNiCrMo-13 DIN EN ISO 18274 / S Ni 6059
FM C 276 IGS-Chronin C-276 (2.4886) AWS A5.14 / ERNiCrMo-4 DIN EN ISO 18274 / S Ni 6276
FM 617 IGS-Chronin 617 (2.4627) AWS A5.1 / ERNiCrCoMo-1 DIN EN ISO 18274 / S Ni 6617
FM 625 IGS-Chronin 625 (2.4831) AWS A5.14 / ERNiCrMo-3 DIN EN ISO 18274 / S Ni 6625
FM 67 IGS-CuNi30Fe (2.0837) AWS A5.7 / ERCuNi DIN EN ISO 24373 / S Cu 7158
FeNi36 IGS-Dilaton 36Nb      
FeNi54 IGS-Dilaton 54Mn   AWS A5.15 DIN EN ISO 1071 / Sc-NiFe-2
FeNi55 IGS-Dilaton 55   AWS A5.15 / ENiFe-CI DIN EN ISO 1071 / Sc-NiFe-1
FeNi60 IGS-Dilaton 60      
Bimetal FeNi58 M-FeNi 58      
FM 61 IGS-Nickel (2.4155) AWS A5.14 / ERNi-1 DIN EN ISO 18274 / S Ni 2061
  IGS-NiMo 8   AWS A5.14 / ERNiMo-8 DIN EN ISO 18274 / S Ni 1008
NiAl5 NiAl5C      
200 R-Nickel 99.2 2.4066   DIN 17740
FM 60 IGS-Silverin 400 (2.4377) AWS A5.14 / ERNiCu-7 DIN EN ISO 18274 / S Ni 4060

Wires for Additive Manufacturing

Alloy DN-Trade Name Material-No. ASTM Specification DIN Specification
Alloy 718 DN-718 AM 2.4668 ASTM B637 DIN 17744
Alloy 625 DN-635 AM 2.4856 ASTM B446 DIN 17744
  DN-48Cr6 AM 2.4486    
FeNi36 DN-36Nb AM      

Interested? Please contuct us:

Sales Europe

Bastian Sommer
Phone: +49 2304 108-494

Sales Asia

Kevin Ye
Phone: +86 21 65 07 64 63-200

Sales America

Donna Dolan
Telephone: +1 508-342-5395-4010
Cell Phone: +1 847-531-3762
Toll Free: +1 800-258-7766